Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tuesday July 13 - Day 2

Day 2's agenda was swimming.  Getting there was a logistical nightmare - the first place I tried to go was at a local community pool.  Unfortunately, with a gorgeous day, the park was overrun and I couldn't park anywhere near the pool.  Then we tried to go together with the baby to another community pool, but there was no lap swim at all (usually there is 1-2 lanes during family swim at the pool we usually go to) because that pool had a diving board and a water slide.  So back home we came and we alternated going back to the first pool.  By that time it was later at night, so there was more parking.  Whew!

I swam 16-18 lengths, so 400-450 yards.  That's at least double the 200 yards I was planning to swim (see Monday's post on easing into things :)), but then, I swam a lot in high school and so while out of shape, at least have decent technique.  I think swimming will be the "easy" leg for me.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Monday 7/12 - Day 1

Day 1 of training was a 15 minute run (well, 3 5 minute runs, with 2.5 minute walks in between).  Completely successfully! 

(Can you tell I believe in easing into things :-)?)

Decision Made

School is over as is the worst work time of the year.  That means, there's no more room for excuses :) and it's time to start to train for a triathlon. 

I've decided on a super sprint version - it's very much a "try it tri" which I think will be perfect for my very out of shape, had a baby a year ago body.  It's a 400M swim, 9 mile bike ride and a 1.9 mile run.  With 8 weeks to train it is still going to be challenging, but achievable.  And with Mike going to do the event with me, training will be more fun, if more challenging to work around a 9 month old.

With just 8 weeks to go, we'll need to keep focused on training, especially since time during the week will be limited due to baby wrangling (and our house is too small for a treadmill).  Mondays are run days, Tuesdays swimming, Wed/Thurs run and bike (we'll alternate), Saturdays swimming and running and Sundays biking.  Fridays we get to rest!